Monday, March 14, 2011

O'hare (OMG)

 Well, we've made it to Chicago -- Sondra got here at 9:45 or so, Carolyn arrived a couple of hours later; both flights without incident just like you want them.  But our flight to Beijing is going to be four hours late taking off so we've checked into the Red Carpet Club for the interim (no red carpet, by the way -- why do they name it Red Carpet and then put in blue?  Lower stress factor, I suppose, but gee whiz.)  We hope this will be the most excitement we have.  At least now we arrive in Beijing early evening and we can fall into bed without having to present ourselves as human beings -- which I seriously doubt we will be.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Adventure Starts Monday, March 14

Just trying this out to see how it goes.  Way too much to get done before Monday to post anything meaningful -- but meaningful is asking a lot of us, anyway.